The 7 Step Job Search Framework

Data-Driven Recruiting

The 7 Step Job Search Framework

Date: March 16th, 2024

Estimated Read Time: 7 minutes

Sponsorship Acknowledgment: This edition is proudly presented by Sonar Talent, developing an AI-powered talent marketplace for tech business leaders.

In addition to our regular data-driven recruiting subscribers, I'm also sharing this week's newsletter with those who signed up for early access to our new talent marketplace, given this week's deep-dive topic.

(early-access sign-ups, watch for an email survey in the next week to help me finalize the product launch feature priorities)

Since I started sharing more data on the recruitment process, many people have asked how to navigate the job market in 2024. As my last deliberate job search was during MBA recruiting in 2016, I researched the current advice and have shared a 7-step framework below.

Does applying directly to jobs work?

Before we start, I also want to point out one common misconception about today's job search process: applying online. Recruiting was almost exclusively outbound focused for many years, and applying to roles was determined to be a waste of time. Based on dozens of conversations with newly hired leaders over the last few months, I was surprised that many had gotten roles by applying directly. So, while this framework is designed to be helpful in the long run, apply directly for roles where you are a great fit.

The 7-Step Job Search Framework

This framework's goal is to help you navigate the job search process quickly and effectively. We start by defining precisely what you're looking for, then create a structured approach to help you land the perfect role.

Step 1: Clarify what values and attributes are most important

Begin with introspection to clarify what you truly seek in your next role. Focus on your core values and what aspects of a job are most fulfilling to you. Make a list of desirable job attributes (e.g., salary, culture, management) and define what "good" and "bad" look like for each to clarify your search criteria.

Step 2: Create a shortlist of target companies and types of role

Use your clarified values and criteria to identify 15 companies that align with your professional aspirations and values. Conduct thorough research on these companies to ensure they meet your "good" criteria, allowing for a focused yet broad enough search to increase your chances of success.

Step 3: Implement strategic networking and relationship-building

Identify and try to connect with 15 key individuals within each target company who can influence hiring decisions. Develop engagement plans for each contact, utilizing LinkedIn and other resources to find common ground and ways to add value, aiming to transition these connections into meaningful relationships.

Step 4: Develop deep company insight and role understanding

Maximize your relationships to gain insights into the company's goals, challenges, and initiatives. Use this information to tailor your application and narrative and prepare for interviews, ensuring you're seen as a candidate who deeply understands and aligns with the company's needs.

Step 5: Craft your personal narrative

Prepare your narrative for applications and interviews, focusing on how your skills, experiences, and values align with the company's goals and challenges. Utilize a structured approach to craft compelling stories that demonstrate your potential impact and place the company's needs at the forefront.

Step 6: Interview preparation and value demonstration

Beyond traditional interview preparation, create a Value Validation Project (VVP, H/T Austin Belcak) for each target company. This pitch deck should outline the company's significant challenges or opportunities, propose solutions, and highlight why you are uniquely positioned to execute these plans.

Step 7: Continuous refinement and persistence

Reflect on each interaction and interview to refine your approach continually. Persistence is vital; learn from each experience, adjust your strategies as needed, and focus on your selected companies and roles.

If you're looking for more ideas, I recorded a 5-minute walkthrough on how to create your own Career Advisor with ChatGPT, which is available here.

Are you eager to overhaul your recruitment strategy?

I partner with entrepreneurs as an advisor and mentor during their growth phase. I help them lay the correct foundation for building a world-class team, avoiding expensive mis-hires and churn while reducing time away from the core business.
If you are a founder or startup executive passionate about building great teams and have an appreciation for using data to make better decisions, I'd love to hear from you.

With constant news about layoffs making headlines, it is easy to assume that the job market is struggling. But in January 2024, there were 1.4 open roles for every unemployed person, more than any other month before 2020.

If you try out this framework or have any suggestions for improving it, I’d love to hear from you! We’ll add tools and features to our new product launch to help support many of these areas (expect to see more in April).

Until next time!

Chris Mannion

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Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:
1. Sonar Talent Marketplace Job Posting. Get your role in front of experienced business professionals looking for their next role on our job board. Currently zero cost!
2. Fractional Talent Advisory. I work with a small number of entrepreneurs as a talent advisor and mentor. My area of expertise is non-engineering roles at high-growth technology companies.

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